Why Does selecting A Secondary assurance to Medicare Have to be so Complicated?

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Are you Medicare eligible? Did you think I am now on Medicare life is going to so uncomplicated from now on? Were you prepared for the red tape and double talk you had to way straight through to find the right plan for you? If you have answered yes or no to any of these questions, read on.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance Plans. You read this article for information about a person want to know is Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance Plans.

How is Why Does selecting A Secondary assurance to Medicare Have to be so Complicated?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance Plans.

I am an entertaining person. I honestly know more about curative assurance than most people. I have worked in curative Billing for over (15) years. I now have now entered into a zone of the unknown.

I have to choose a secondary assurance to my Medicare Part A. Part A is for hospital inpatient. The part I must pick is for my Medicare Part B. This is for all outpatient needs. Example: Doctors visits, outpatient surgery, ambulance, laboratory, x-ray, etc.

The social security office person who signed me up for Medicare handed me a booklet with all you ever wanted to know about Medicare.

Medicare Part B was pages long and even with my understanding of curative billing and assurance plans I was overwhelmed.

I now have started request my family and friends who are on Medicare what plan they have chosen for their Part B or Part C which is a Hmo or Ppo.

Medicare Part C: This is a aggregate of Medicare Part A and B = C

Ppo - preferred provider Organization: You can use doctors out of network but the cost will be higher.

I will tell you I have received answers. I think I have heard all the versions. My brother-in-law chose an benefit Ppo Plan because he received a Ywca free membership. He is networked straight through a Clinic close to his home and all his doctors are represented in this one building. He is very happy with his decision.
Example: He had an outpatient surgery and his out of pocket charge was 0.00. This charge was for his plan. It will be separate for you. He also pays a .00 copay which each curative visit.

Hmo - health Maintenance Organization: You are in a network and use the doctor's and curative facilities in the contracted organization. You can not choose you own doctor.

I spoke to a friend and English is her second language. She went to her social security appointment on her own. She decided on a Hmo Plan. She chose Kaiser since she had been with Kaiser for (20) years. She could keep her own doctors and her life will still be the same.

Medicare Part B:

I have been leaning towards Aarp they have (6) plans to choose from. I decided on the best plan they had which is more expensive than the Hmo or Ppo Plans. This plan according to Aarp will cover all my curative expenses. I will never have to pay out of pocket. We will wait and see.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read my other articles on numerous subjects.

Copyright Linda E. Meckler 2007

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